Friday, February 5, 2010


Recently, I've been fascinated with illustrated ads from 1950's era magazines, the stylized technique, the colors and the images of life at that time. Most are of glamorous women displaying cosmetics, silverware or jewelry. I purchased a number of them from my fellow Etsy sellers, and have compiled a very lovely collection. I incorporate the images into my artwork, which I then sell on Etsy.

Today, I shot a couple of quick convos to the sellers, letting them know that I had used their ads on some cards. One of them, NotGrandmasVintage, sent me a lovely note and asked if she could feature my card on her blog. She made an interesting point, that we're all connected in the circle of art, so to speak. The seller sells something, that gets incorporated into a piece of art, which when sold, gets enjoyed by yet another!

Here are the cards made from the ads.

Please check out Kim's blog and read what she wrote!